If the name that you entered in your search engine appears in the list below, it means that you have taken out a subscription membership for a website.
How can you find and stop these transactions?
You need to find the website where the subscription came from to unsubscribe and cancel your subscription.
You can complete the process of searching for the provider and cancelling the subscription for yourself, or you can use the services of an online service such as SOS Internet, which will carry out these steps for you.
![]() | —> Place an order for services <— |
Here is the list (in alphabetical order)
(If the name of the charge that you have noticed does not appear in this list, you may contact us directly by clicking here.)
- 2bill4
- 2billeld
- 2eldbill
- 4eldbill
- addpmt
- addpt
- alptbil
- bill2eld
- bill2nor
- bill4eld
- bill4glb
- bill4nor
- bill4ntf
- billglo
- billnk
- billtdm
- cshfix
- cudman
- dafobel
- el2pay
- eld2pay
- eldbill
- eldopay
- eldors
- eldpay
- eldsrvs
- elsfee
- epaynw
- epayun
- fadfee
- feesxs
- fixcsh
- flimts
- flirmd
- flmfee
- flndat
- flormi
- fmsfee
- fmspay
- fomfee
- glb2pay
- glb4pay
- glbalex
- glbxpay
- mndts
- neatpt
- nor2bill
- nor4bill
- nortpay
- ntf2pay
- oshpay
- pay2eld
- pay2gbl
- pay2ntf
- pay4eld
- pay4es
- pay4glb
- pay4ntf
- payeld
- payeldo
- paympt
- paynort
- paytht
- pfdfee
- prdfee
- prtfee
- pt2pay
- pt4our
- ptbdts
- ptneat
- utypay
- ylvml
![]() | —> Place an order for services <— |
Why use the SOS Internet service?
Of course, you don’t have to go via a chargeable service to unsubscribe. Nevertheless, the service will take care of everything for you and offers guaranteed “success or your money back.” You can learn more about our services by browsing the site, reviewing our legal notices, or reading our answers to frequently asked questions.
All brands and trademarks referenced on sos-internet.com are the sole and exclusive property of their respective owners.
Brands are listed on sos-internet.com based on notifications received
from web users.
Calvin D Stokes
on 31 March 2021 ReplyWhat is PTNEAT. I didn’t order nun put my money back and unsubscribe me
Robert Greenough
on 22 March 2021 ReplyPls refund my funds I never ordered anything from your company someone is hacking or doing something illegal on my phone. Thank you
Terri Tiopira
on 18 January 2021 ReplyI never signed up for Perfectfunn,
Please cancel me out of this account, as money keeps coming out of my account.
Dylan Satterley
on 8 November 2020 ReplyWhat the hell is ylvml cause its taken a large amount out but i dodnt sign up for something
on 3 November 2020 ReplyI don’t know what is ylvml is and i don’t sign up for it and i was debited , please how can i rectify or unsuscribe from this site and unwanted automatic withrawal
Joseph Butzner
on 8 February 2020 ReplyHi, How do I cancel PTNEAT. Com
Please help I don’t know what it is